Specimen 14 - Character Wednesday

Name: Specimen 14
Surname: N/A
D.O.B: June 5th, 2025 (06/05/25)
Pronouns: he/him it/its
Likes: Nothing in particular
Dislikes: Nothing in particular

Specimen 14, or just Specimen, is the fourteenth genetic experiment of Project Genesis. During its acclimation period, its cells went through a "massive aberration episode", the results being the growth of horns and spikes, as well as the macabre loss of its face. The creature escaped soon after this incident, and is now prowling through the American Midwest, looking for the one who welcomed it in this frightening world...

Specimen is a character from my book Strange Beings. The book will be released in Summer 2025. In the meantime, you can check out my book gallery and catbox's tumblr!

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